

noun teth·er \ˈte-thər\

: a rope or chain that is used to tie an animal to a post, wall, etc., so that it will stay in a particular area

Full Definition of TETHER

:  something (as a rope or chain) by which an animal is fastened so that it can range only within a set radius
:  the limit of one's strength or resources <at the end of my tether>

Origin of TETHER

Middle English tethir, teder, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse tjōthr tether; akin to Old High German zeotar pole of a wagon
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Animal Husbandry Terms

apiary, bantam, calico, girth, hogwash, mast, rut


transitive verb

: to use a rope or chain to tie (an animal) to something in order to keep it in a particular area

teth·eredteth·er·ing \-th(ə-)riŋ\

Full Definition of TETHER

:  to fasten or restrain by or as if by a tether <felt tethered to her desk until the work was done>

First Known Use of TETHER

15th century

Other Animal Husbandry Terms

apiary, bantam, calico, girth, hogwash, mast, rut

Rhymes with TETHER

TETHER[1] Defined for Kids


verb teth·er \ˈte-thər\

Definition of TETHER for Kids

:  to fasten by a line that limits range of movement



Definition of TETHER for Kids

:  a line by which something is fastened so as to limit where it can go


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